November 21, 2022
Chrysanthemums or “Mums” are a beautiful seasonal flower here in Texas! Especially in the fall! You can find mums sold at most grocery stores and garden centers in late summer and fall. These mums have been pinched or cut into their sought after rounded shape with lots of blooms and buds covering the plant. When purchasing a garden mum from a local store or garden center it is important to think about when you want your mums to be blooming. If you are hosting a holiday party very soon and want to show off their blooms, it is okay to purchase a mum that is full of open flowers. However, once the blooms are spent the mum will be done blooming for the rest of the season. To get the longest life out of your chrysanthemum, select a plant that has unopened buds or a mix of semi-open and closed buds. This will help you enjoy your plant longer, giving you an average of 4-6 weeks of bloom time.
October 28, 2022
Fall has officially arrived with temperatures finally dropping and cold fronts blowing in much needed rain! As the weather cools off warm hardy plants will begin to slow down, produce seed, and finish their life cycle. The average first frost date is November 28th - December 15th for planting Zones 8 - 9. Once the first frost arrives warm annuals such as zinnias, dahlias, watermelons, tomatoes, and many more will shrivel and die leaving your garden bare. However, there are many cold hardy plants that you may direct seed and transplant now in your garden that can tolerate frosts and light freezes. Seeding and transplanting these plants will keep your garden productive and beautiful during the winter months.
September 8, 2022
Seed packets come in all shapes and sizes! Each company structures their seed packets differently, but all will tell you information that you need to know to grow the seeds inside! There is a lot of information packed on one packet and some of the information is very technical. Each category on a seed packet is important and each has their own meaning and impact on your plants. Planting Season : The first step to starting your seeds or planting your transplants is to know during which season the variety you have selected grows best. For example, Zinnias do not grow well during the cold months of winter, and Ranunculus do not grow well in the hot months of summer. Some seed packets will list the growing season on them, such as warm season or cool season. If the season is not listed, you can research the variety based on your growing zone, or ask your local garden center.
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